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Solution-focused Short-term therapy

My clients rate:

A strength-based approach to psychotherapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a strength-based approach to psychotherapy that focuses on solution-building rather than problem-solving. Unlike other forms of psychotherapy that analyze present problems and past causes, SFBT concentrates on current circumstances and future hopes.

SFBT is committed to finding realistic, workable solutions for clients as quickly as possible, and the efficacy of this treatment has influenced its spread around the world and use in multiple contexts.

SFBT has been successfully applied in individual, couples, and family therapy. The problems it can address are wide-ranging, from the normal stressors of life to high-impact life events.

  • If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.
  • If something is working, do more of it.
  • If it’s not working, do something different.




Session duration 

50 min

75 min 

Online session possible


90 EUR

150 EUR

Pilates Classes

Pilates concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on your posture, balance, and flexibility. It also helps reduce anxiety and depression.

English Classes

In my classes I set the focus on Client’s talking a lot and enjoying using the language.

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